Explore607's Blog

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Ecology November 17, 2009

Plants and Animals That We Saw on our Trip
Rock Wren
Turkey Vulture
Desert Cottontail (image taken from http://www.fws.gov/digitalmedia/index.php)
Fence Lizzard- A tiny lizzard that you may see darting around the ground.


Millipede- These are long, dark brown bugs with a ton of tiny short legs. Millipedes, unlike centipedes, are not poisonous.

Prickly Pear- Prickly Pear cacti are easy to identify because of their deep purple fruits. These are very edible but beware of the small hair like quills that cover their surface.

Snake weed- This is a bush with yellow flowers that can be seen frequently along the trail. Snake Weed was used by Native Americans as treatment for snake bites and was made into a tea for rheumatism.

Sand Sage- This aromatic plant was used as a decongestant. Native Americans boiled the leaves and inhaled the steam.

Winter Fat- This fuzzy plant isn't only pretty, it is eaten by many animals because it is high in fat. Hence the name Winter Fat.

Other species from the petroglyphs that weren’t seen on our trip include:

Animals: Coyote, Rock Squirrel, Spotted Ground Squirrel, Kangaroo Rat, Black Tailed Jackrabbit, Whitetail Antelope Squirrel, Deer Mouse, ant the White-troated Wood Rat


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