Explore607's Blog

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What to expect November 19, 2009

When visiting Las Huertas Canyon, expect the unexpected! The mountains of New Mexico
tend to have a different atmosphere each visit! If you are leaving the city where it is warm
and sunny, do not expect the same luxury going to Las Huertas Canyon. Because of the
higher elevation and shade from all the trees, the temperature will sure to be a lot lower.
Wait, am I scaring you away? Please, do not let the slight lower temperature keep you
from experiencing the true beauty of New Mexico! Just take some warm clothes and dive
right on into the adventure that lies beyond the dirt road and picnic tables, and set foot in
a whole new world! Las Huertas Canyon is in the center of a diverse combination of
wildlife! Because of the stream that runs through Las Huertas Canyon, the wildlife is
everywhere! Here you will find over 60 different types of animals including Prairie
Lizards, Stellar’s Jay, even a deer or two! The tree variations are endless as well.
Pinyon trees, Juniper trees, Gamble Oak, even Apple trees can be seen all over! Just
strap on your hiking shoes and see what Las Huertas Canyon has in store for you!
 What we recommend to bring: 


-Pants, Sweats, or Jeans 

-Hiking or Tennis Shoes (sandals are not recommended) 

-Hat or Beannie depending on the weather. 




-Water… Lots of water! 

*And if you decide on being adventurous please mark your trail to find your way back! 🙂


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